


Developing a Question

Step 1. Consider Your Readers

Step 2. Select a Role

Step 3. Generate Questions

Step 4. Select a Question

Step 5. Refine by Narrowing

Step 6. Refine by Searching


How to Develop a Research Question : A Research Guide by Mike Palmquist

Step 5: Narrow the Scope of Your Research Question

Replacing Vague Words

  1. What is diabetes and how can it be avoided?
  2. What is the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes and how can they be avoided?
  3. What is the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes and how can Americans reduce their risk of getting these diseases?

After choosing a research question, Megan's next step was to narrow the scope of her question by replacing vague words and phrases with ones that were more specific. Another way she further narrowed her question was to add limitations to it, as shown in question number two on the right.

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