Chapter 8: Conducting a Boolean Search in a Database

Boolean searches let you focus your search by specifying whether keywords or phrases can appear in the results of a search, must appear in the results, or must not appear in the results. Some forms of Boolean search also allow you to search for keywords or phrases that appear next to, before or after, or within a certain distance from one another within a document.

Devise your own Boolean search to help you find electronic sources on your topic.

Step 1:
        In the space below, enter the words and phrases that must be in the source (AND).

Step 2:
        In the space below, enter the words and phrases can be in the source (OR).

Step 3:
       In the space below, enter the words and phrases must not be in the source (NOT).
Step 4:
       In the space below, note what database fields you want to search for these terms (keyword, author, title, year, etc.)
Step 5:
       Consider possible limiters. Do you want to limit your search to scholarly journals? Certain dates? Only articles with the full text available online? Note your limiters in the space provided below.
