Chapter 18: Using Illustrations in a Document

Illustrations can enhance the effectiveness of your document by

  • supporting your argument
  • reducing word length
  • clarifying your argument, and
  • increasing visual appeal.

Step 1:
        Open your draft in your word processing program. Review your draft to determine where you could use illustrations to expand on or demonstrate your argument. Record those places and ideas about potential illustrations in the editing box below.

Step 2:
Review your draft to identify where you could use illustrations to reduce the text needed to make a point. Record those places and ideas about potential illustrations in the editing box below.

Step 3:
        Review your draft to determine where you could use illustrations to help readers better understand your points. Record those places and ideas about potential illustrations in the editing box below.

Step 4:
Review your draft to determine where you could use illustrations to increase the visual appeal of your document. Record those places and ideas about potential g illustrations in the editing box below.
